Solutions, competencies

Solutions, competencies
From websites to custom mobile applications, LogiNet offers a wide range of technology solutions, delivered by our professional backend. Thanks to our sophisticated technologies and seamless integrations, we deliver solutions to our customers that are customised, cost-effective and include features that ensure continuous growth.
Web development at LogiNet

Web development

In web development, our goal is to develop innovative digital products for our clients that enable their users to easily access their platform, support an optimal user experience through modern design, and have features that are in line with changing user needs.

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Mobile app development at Loginet

Mobile app development

Mobile apps offer a customised and convenient way for users to access specific digital products. Offering mobile-optimised solutions is key to reaching mobile users - leveraging the potential of mobile native functionality and offering them an additional experience and useful features that drive conversions.

With the arrival of new mobile app technologies such as Flutter, cross-platform development has become extremely cost-effective, reducing overall maintenance costs while providing a quality service on both iOS and Android platforms.

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Backend development at LogiNet

Backend development

If the front is the "body" of the application, the backend is its brain: it controls what happens on the server, and processes the data while ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

It's in the backend where the essential business logic is implemented, and back-office interfaces are developed to manage data and control application behavior effectively. 

Furthermore, headless backend APIs play a vital role in enabling seamless integrations with other services, promoting flexibility and adaptability while fostering a connected ecosystem of applications that work in harmony to deliver exceptional user experiences.

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Integration at LogiNet


Modern digital product development is increasingly centred around the integration of more and more specialised services, such as payment systems, analytics and user management, to offer users a more complete and feature-rich experience. This helps to create cohesive ecosystems that maximise the value and impact of each service.

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Our technological competences

Our technological competences

Java stack
Java 11, Java 17, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring MVC, Spring Integration, JPA, Hibernate, QueryDSL, Lombok, RabbitMQ, RESTful, OpenAPI, JSON, JWT, Maven, Gradle, Docker.

PHP stack
PHP 8.x, Symfony 4.4, 5.x, API Platform, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Doctrine, TWIG, Redis, Composer, PHP Unit

Node stack
MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Koa, Mocha, Chai

VueJS, NuxtJS, SCSS, Node.js, REST API, JSON, HTML, Webpack, ES6, JavaScript, CSS, Buefy, ReactJS

iOS - Swift, SwiftUI, Xcode, UIKit; Android - Kotlin, Android Studio, Android SDK, Cross platform (Flutter, Dart)

AI engineering
GenAI APIs (OpenAI ChatGPT-3.5, ChatGPT-4, Vision), Voice APIs (Eleven Labs TTS, Whisper STT), Open Source LLM models (LLama2, Mistral), Vector Databases (PineCone, Milvus) Custom GenAI applications (Langchain, LLamaIndex, AutoGPT), Custom Models (Tensorflow, PyTorch), Python, AI Devops


AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Gitlab CI, Ansible, Vagrant, Helm

Quality Certification
White-Box Testing, Black-Box Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing, Usability Testing, Test Automation, SOAP-UI, Selenium

Digital product design
UX/UI design, Styleguide, Prototyping, Figma, Axure, Research, Heuristic analysis, Usability testing, UX tracking, Analytics, Service design, Persona, Journey.

Project and task management


Improve your business efficiency and increase your revenue with customized software solutions tailored to your business needs! With LogiNet's expertise, you can plan for the long term: let us know about your ideas, a problem you’re trying to solve or your overall business goals, and we will get back to you shortly!

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